SNK didn’t wait long to bring the Neo Geo home. Convenient! There are a couple of revisions of the MVS, like the MVS-1B and MVS-1C, and the biggest difference with those is the smaller form factor. What’s the difference? The number of slots = the number of game cartridges you can have inserted at once. For older versions of the MVS, there are 1-slot, 2-slot, 4-slot, and 6-slot versions. The games have aged remarkably well, and there are plenty of obscurities that you might have missed out on the first time around that are absolutely deserving of your attention. Ultimately, the Neo Geo remains a fantastic system today and is well worth checking out even if the system was before your day. Maybe even more so, given the extra bit of perspective the passage of time has given us. The artistry on display in some of these games is unbelievable, and the visuals are just as striking now as they were back when they came out. Neo Geo games were also some of the prettiest 2D games ever made. I defy you to find one level-headed person in this world who doesn’t like Baseball Stars 2 or Windjammers. Hell, even the sports games were fun, even if you typically hate the genre.
Samurai shodown ii neo geo cd rom series#
But there were some notable run-n-gun shooters like the Metal Slug series (remember when that was good?) and Shock Troopers, as well as some solid shmups like Blazing Star and Pulstar. Admittedly, The Neo Geo library was so fighter-laden that if you didn’t like fighting games, chances are that the system didn’t have a whole lot to hold your attention.

Games like Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Last Blade, Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, Samurai Shodown II, and the King of Fighters series showcase some of the best gameplay the genre has ever seen. The system’s specialty was fighting games, and SNK was at the height of their creativity during the Neo Geo era. So, why should you give a shit? Because Neo Geo games are off tha motherfucking hook. And thanks to that, the Neo Geo lasted for a whopping 14 years before SNK finally pulled the plug.
Samurai shodown ii neo geo cd rom free#
What this meant from a practical standpoint was that SNK was free to produce bigger, more lavishly animated games as the years went on, even when the system should have been long past its sell-by date. While the initial batch of games clocked in at a paltry 50 megs or so, Samurai Shodown V Special, the last game on the system, was a whopping 708 meg monster. The system’s real advantage, though, was that the ROM size of arcade games could be expanded by simply producing beefier carts – the actual Neo Geo hardware didn’t limit the memory that could be used. Early titles like NAM-1975 and Riding Hero looked good, but didn’t necessarily blow the doors off the competition. The arcade hardware, known more colloquially as the MVS (for “Multi Video System”), was pretty capable kit when it was released. The Neo Geo was released by SNK in 1990 in both arcade and home variants. The Super Nintendo and the Genesis are cool and all that, but we need to discuss the realest 16-bit system: